
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Outfit: Gingham Skirt

So basically, I buy most of my clothes from my favorite consignment store. Needless to say, just about every outfit I wear consists of at least one piece that has been thrifted. Go consignment/thrift store shopping now if you haven't already. There is nothing I love more than finding unique and vintage pieces for not very much money. Even though you probably will not be able to replicate any of my outfits piece for piece, I hope it gives you a little inspiration regardless!
             Today I am sharing a recent thrift find, this J. Crew gingham skirt! I was so lucky to stumble across this and for only $9!

 Side note: It was 84 degrees outside when I took these pictures
//Ray-Bans / Tank / Necklace (my mother's, cute alternatives here and here)/ Similar gingham skirts here and here / Jack Rogers //

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