Wednesday was the first performance of Taylor Swift's 1989 World Tour so big thank you to my grandparents who gave me 2 tickets this past Christmas for me and a friend to be able to go! The concert was fantastic! My friend, Amanda, and I had a great time!
Don't get me wrong, the concert was AMAZING! Getting there- a total mess.
12:00 Wednesday afternoon we were all set and ready to go when all of a sudden my mom was standing, on a chair, in not so practical shoes, in her closet, trying to get her suitcase when... I mean you guessed already, right? Yes, she did take quite a fall and we are still waiting to hear from the doctor on what exactly she did to her left foot. She is on her way to recovery now but after it happened things got a little crazy (to say the least). How were we suppose to get to the concert? Who would stay in the hotel with us? After making several calls, I was informed that my small group leader was taking her daughter and her daughter's friend to the concert. I called her and prayed that they hadn't left yet. Luckily, they hadn't and they were able to take us. Hallelujah! All 6 of us (my sister also came) piled into the car and we were off.
6:00p.m. we arrived at the hotel. The concert opened at 7:00 so we quickly changed clothes and ran back out the door. No, no, no, not so easy. Amanda could not find her purse. A few minutes passed of frantic searching and all of a sudden I remembered accidentally knocking it behind a bench. *face palm*
We arrived and parked in time and walked to enter our side of the building. Security was checking purses so I opened mine and the lady told me that I could not bring my camera inside the building and to go put it back in my car. Um, no, not today. I continued into the mob of people to have our tickets scanned. My small group leader's daughter and her friend's tickets all scanned perfectly, ours did not. I'm not even going to get into that whole situation, lets just say nothing seemed to run smoothly. After much discussion, we had to rebuy some tickets. (but in the end got the money back) We walked to our seats, more like wormed our way because of the massive standstill crowds. Low and behold, we have third row seats. A.K.A. the best seats we could have asked for! We were so thankful! Also, for the longest time the whole row in front of us was empty, again, low and behold, the opening act singer, also well known for his hit "Riptide" Vance Joy sat RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! NO JOKE.

We had a wonderful time filled with mishaps and miracles!
Thanks for reading!