Side story: When I went to my freshman orientation several weeks ago, we were put into fairly small groups with one group leader. We were all sitting in a circle and I knew no one. But, the girl sitting across from me looked very very familiar. After our leader was finished talking, I went up to the girl and flat out asked her how I knew her. She asked me if I went to Camp Greystone and we clicked. I don't even remember knowing her that well at camp but just having that one thing in common we had a special connection and were able to talk and catch up. These kinds of run-ins happen to me all. the. time. I even ran into a camp friend while I was in Grand Cayman! It is truly a wonderful thing.
Though it is bitter-sweet to think that this is my last summer as a camper, I am very sure that I will be back as a counselor or working at camp in some way. I like to joke that I'll marry into the camp family and live at Greystone the rest of my life. We'll see ;)
Here are a few throwback pictures from my earlier years at camp:
Thanks for reading! See you in 5 weeks!